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Today when I got home, we got a rare glimpse of the sun. It shone through the clouds and made a beautiful ray extending right up to the sky, all gold and stunning.
In the sky just out from the sun was the neatest thing. It was like a sideways rainbow created by the crystals of snow in the air as the sun hit them. The wind was blowing and swirling the crystals around making for a sparkling blanket along the top of the snow and in the air. It remained there for about 20 minutes,, long enough for me to run and get my camera. I am sure there is a technical term for this,, when I talk to dad next,, I bet he knows. At the moment it was happening it really made me feel like something special must be happening somewhere,, it was like a spiritual thing almost. Very special....
It was a bad day for weather. I left for work this morning and promptly got stuck in my own yard. 3 or so feet of snow and even my suburban in 4 low was having a bit of a time. We hired out at the grooming shop a gentleman to plow the snow. Our customers couldn't even get in to drop off their dogs.
In the photos here you will see how the snow is all the way up to the top of the fence on one side. The side that is lower is where the dogs pack it down and we have shoveled. The wood fence we have is a 4 foot divider fence and the other chainlink fence is a 5 ft one we keep there to prevent the dogs from going out to the big yard in the winter. Boots discovered how to walk right over it this morning. He thought he was very clever!
Jewelee's puppies are sure getting cute. They are up on their feet and marching around and we are hearing the occasional bark burst out from them. I have one tiny girl that, so far, seems to have a lot of personality. The boy is stunning,, very rich color and pretty face. There are two girls that are quite nice,, one I call "Star" and the other is "Brown leg girl". There is another girl,, "white head girl" that is in the middle. She might end up small,, but right now you can't tell much. I hope to get photos soon for everyone to see. They are very pretty puppies.. I am pleased.
I love all your pictures Its always fun to see them. Very pretty. Crazy snow we have only got so far 5 inches I havent even had to use 4 wheel drive yet and IM thankful. Thanks for always sharing your great pictures
The photos are amazing you always seem to find and take amazing shots. Sounds like you in for a fun Christmas with the puppies, can't wait to see more photos.
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