Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Taking some time. Seeing Farrah's kittens

This picture is from last summer.

The theme of today was calm down, take it slow.. Course, I didn't realize that till the day was almost over. Funny how things force you in a direction sometimes that you don't really know of, till its almost over.

I had ran, ran, ran, at least in my head, all day until tonight, as I went outside to put some bratwurst on the bbq, I realized that just for a moment, I had to take in the night sky.

I wandered over to the edge of the property and looked at the crimson sky, outlined perfectly by the tall mountains. Not a cloud in site,, beautiful red/orange sky. Crickets in the background chirping. I stood there just thinking how stunning it was. How crisp the mountains and how perfect the little chirping cricket.

The events of the last month have kept me on the run and I sometimes forget to take in the moments so that I can enjoy life more.

After work I went to my sister's house and visited Farrah and her kittens. They are just darling. Beautiful little faces with bright blue eyes and sweet little dispositions. They are 6 wks now and getting weaned. Farrah has gone from feral to miss house kitty and enjoys playing and getting her pets. She is a constant of thankful purrs and its just sweet to hear her tribble little messages to her kittens as they approach or as they nurse. She loves her kittens and I am so glad that she was taken in by my sister. I have decided that Farrah will not return to outdoor living at my house and will be placed in a good indoor home. I can't bring her into my house with my other 6 indoor cats, so we will seek a good home for her elsewhere. The coyotes have returned this late summer and I fear for her life should she come back. Besides, she deserves someone's couch and love. I will certainly miss her, and have, but its all good.

Those kittens will never have to know feral life and that is good too.

Now,, I am working on another kitty that I call "Squeaky cat". She does not meow but squeaks to me. She is very feral and will not let me touch her at all. I can get within about a foot of her, so it may be a while taming her enough for capture.

Take care folks. Take some time to enjoy the little things around you. Don't just look, but draw it in,, breathe it in and savor it. Be it a night sky, a perfect little kitten face, or a simple look from someone you love. Its all good!

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Power failure ponderings

click on the photos to see really big!

Well,, the power went out today. Was out for over an hour so I was bored and worked on some bird houses that I started back last November. While digging out paints and such I came across an old journal of mine. Dated back to 92 or 93 with its posts. Talked of my meeting my husband, the death of my grandmother and some important folks that had come into my life at that point. So weird to go back and read what I was thinking then. Man, it sure seemed foolish what I wrote. So blatant too.

One write up was about living life and how busy I had become. It spoke of how at the time I felt as though my life was just happening around me with me just existing in its chaos. How true that can become. I find myself more in the midst of that then not. Tasks become what drives me and molds me to do the next task till the day is done and I have done things out of necessity rather then wanting. Ahh....... to really "live" life. I feel as though I just don't have time. Work, work and more work and then exhaustion seem to be the carousel I am on.

Sounds like complaining,, doesn't it? Well,, do know that I love what I do. I love the dogs and what that represents for me. Perhaps I am really "living" afterall,, doing what I love and not taking the time to appreciate it.? Maybe the ponderings sparked by power failure are best left unthought?!

On another note. A few updates.
I have posted in the past about "Farrah" the feral kitty and her kittens. Well,, Farrah has been captured. She is pregnant again and now living with my sister. After she has her litter she will be spayed and return here to the farm of animals. Her current litter will be raised as tame kitties and spayed and neutered before being places. Good news!. I miss her, but it is best. I do look forward to having her back to do her hunting in the field and to accompany me on my photo sessions with the dogs. She is great for helping to get ears up.
We got back a week ago from our yearly camping trip to the beautiful Sawtooth mountains of Stanley Idaho. That place speaks to my soul and I always leave feeling a sort of peace that I can't accomplish anywhere else. It was a wonderful visit for Derek and I,, and the first with our new trailer. I hope you enjoy the pictures.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

A particularly nice crop of pansies

I love Pansies!! I am not much of a gardener due to my travels so every year I host a few nice pots of flowers to try and color up the place.

I also really like the nice scents that the different flowers provide and will sit out on the porch to just smell them.

This year,, I chose all sorts of pansies and crammed them into a pot together. They have been particularly bloomy, so being the camera buff that I am, I had to get pictures.

Hope you enjoy them.

Sunday, June 28, 2009

And the Beat goes on...........happily

Pictured is Am/Int Ch. Akadia Just Special, "Ethan".
A few posts ago I wrote about how goals as a breeder come along without even knowing it. "Bell", of course, was the theme and I spoke of how I am trying to achieve her ROM.

Well folks,,, we are even closer now!!

Since that blog, both Kaylani and Ethan have finished their Championships. Making them Ch. Akadia Just Heavenly and now Am Ch./Int Ch. Akadia Just Special.

Thank you so much to Nanette Johnson for her talented presentation of Kaylani in getting her majors. Thanks to Yvonne Davey for not giving up on Ethan.

Not only have these two babes finished in conformation, but Chrissy Weatherston has put the CD and RE and RAE title on Akadia Wildfire, and Dixie Eigenrauch complete the grand Championship UKC on Akadia Miss Congeniality.

The Bell kids are sure doing their thing,, I am a very proud person right now.

So,, for the record Bell has 3 Champions, 2 major pointed (almost finished), 2 performance/obedience titled, and one UKC grand Champion get to her credit.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

The loves that move me

Bean (top) Betty (bottom)
I often reflect on the many animals that I have had through the years and how they have brought me through good times and bad. For a great deal of my childhood and certainly, my teen years, my animals were to be my support system. In times of uncertainty and insecurity, I could rely on them to give me affection and unconditional love.
The first that I recall falling for was, April. She was my first sheltie and a very special one at that. Incredibly intelligent, April, thankfully had a very forgiving spirit about her. She delighted me, angered me and more importantly was my very best friend. A best friend of no peer pressure. She excepted my harsh training, before I knew better. She was also a great ambassador for the breed. She slept with me for years and then later slept in an tiny crib next to my bed. What a great dog. She owned my heart and led me in a great direction. I often think that had I not had April that I could have been a very bad teenager and perhaps got into a lot of trouble.
When April was about 5 years old I would go down to the convenience store daily to get a gatorade and hot dog. She would go and ride along for company. I had come up on the store one day and a kitty was running through the wheels of each of the parked cars,, rubbing on the legs of the patrons and asking for hand outs. I just had total visions of this kitty getting mashed by one of the cars. Me being me,, I took that kitty home. She was very pregnant and a few weeks later presented us with a nice litter of kittens under our lounge chair. I moved the litter and her to a puppy pen where she raised them till they were weaned,, then she disappeared. I slowly found homes for the kittens. As the babies grew, they learned how to climb up the bars of the puppy pen and get out so I had rigged a top out of a baby gate with a board over the top and a brick on top of that to keep them in, mostly at night. One kitten would always get out. I would wake up in the morning to this little face in mine.. "HI",, "I got out again!". I named that kitten Houdini. I quickly fell in love with him and decided to keep him. I was able to place all of the other kittens but one. The little runtly looking one. She was a brown tabby that was so shabby looking that no one wanted her. She had this remarkable attitude though and I dubbed her "Better", since she thought she was better then the rest. I ended up keeping her as well. Better turned into a beautiful cat,, that would sing along with me when I sang and always cuddle to me when I was sick.
Years went by and Houdini was my constant companion. I called him "Bean" most of the time and "Better" turned into "Betty". These two cats were to be my companions for 19 years (Betty) and 20 years (Bean).
Bean and I were particularly close. He did everything with me and was truly my best friend. He delighted me with his nightly dramatic yawns when he wanted to go to bed. He loved to be held while I would dance and sing his name to him. His little taps on my leg with his paw when he wanted a share of what I was eating,, and most of all, his bed time antics. He would start out with a quick wrestle then quickly assume his spot on my chest. For 20 years I would fall asleep with Bean on my chest,, his paw in my right hand (holding it) and his chin over the top of my hand. It was "our" thing. He would sometimes rub his little lips on my hand as if to kiss me and then flatten his chin out across the top of my hand. The hardest part of losing Bean for me,, was bed time. I still find myself putting my hand on my chest as if to pretend he is still there. He was just so very special to me.
The concept of someone never being able to find the love and devotion that an animal can add to your life is hard for me to think of. These are just three examples of some of the wonderful animals I have loved. Each one adding something to my existence here and loving without question. A little window into what unconditional love is really about, in my opinion.
Forever a part of me and certainly never forgotten.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Goals,, what drives the dreams

This is a story about how goals as a breeder come along when you least realize them. I have always felt it important to have personal goals,, that of a point winner, a major winner, a Champion, a specialty winner, a Best of Breed winner, a Group winner, and a Best in Show winner,, but never did I think of a goal as a breeder of a top producer. Not till "Bell" came along anyway.
Akadia HellsBells (pts)

A few years back I bred my cute little sable bitch to a dog that I really didn't think would cross with her so well. We did one breeding,, then I changed my mind, not doing another as I kept waining on my thoughts that it wouldn't work. Akadia HellsBells,, aka "Bell" was that sable bitch and the dog was Ch. Beckwards Chimney Sweep. Three puppies resulted and the quality was very evident. One male was retained and co-owned with the stud owner. That male went on to win 9 points, both majors before the stud owner lost interest. Pictured below: Twincreeks Vintage Spirit (9pts)

Along the way though,, I decided to breed Bell again. This time, to Ch. Hillviews Patriot Games. Four puppies resulted. Such a consistant litter,, it was becoming evident that Bell was becoming a great producer. Her puppies all had a look, all were better then her yet possessed her virtues. Yay!! Ch. Akadia Just Priceless "Price", Int Ch. Akadia Just Special "Ethan"(12 pts, both majors) and Akadia Just Heavenly "Kaylani" (14 pts, both majors) were to be her get from this breeding.
Int Ch. Akadia Just Special (12 pts, both majors)

Bell went on to win the Brood bitch class at that year's national as well with son's "Price" and "Ethan" in tow. Price won a 3rd place in his class also.

I loved that breeding so much. I started to really think that maybe Bell could become an ROM (Register of Merit, top producer). Never before had I ever thought about that for one of my dogs. I have always been the "handler", not the breeder!! The more I thought about it, the more I really began to make it a goal.
Come time to breed Bell again,, I chose a Patriot Games son,, Ch. Braeleen Let Freedom Ring to be her suitor. From this breeding, I retained a girl who would go out and win a major at her first show, a specialty, as a puppy. That girl is Akadia Strawberry Shortcake and she has 12 pts, 1 major.
Akadia Strawberry Shortcake (12 pts, 1 major)

One last breeding this year would leave us with 3 hopefuls to grow out. Bred to Ch. Starfalls The Enchanter CD,, Bell has more then earned her spay appointment with the vet.
Akadia Bell Bottom "Flare"

I hope to finish Shortcake and Ethan this year and Nanette Johnson is working on the last point on Kaylani. That will make 3 Bell kids in 2009 to finish, if we obtain our goal.

Bell will just need one more Champion to get her ROM after that. I sure hope one of these hopefuls will fulfill that dream. If not,, I feel that Bell has certainly made a marked difference in my program and I am so grateful for that.
Funny thing is that in thinking about Bell now,, if I was to have her now days, as a hopeful,, I am not sure I would have kept her. She is little,, 14 inches,, and has round eyes,, and is kinda average, but at the time that she came along in my program, she was the best I had to go on. I am glad I kept her and worked with her and discovered her producing ability. She has been a blessing to me and a grand example of years of work and generations of careful selection for continued improvement.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Dad report and Vogue, Stinky, Vogue

Been a while since I posted. Really not much going on around here though. I am HAPPY to report that Dad is doing so much better. He is in a care facility now and just sounds like he is coming along. That is such a relief. Keep the prayers coming for him still and we sure appreciate all you folks that have shown concern and prayers.

Saturday,, "Stinky" (Ch. Akadia Totally Intoxicating), got a bath to freshen her up and I decided to get some new photos of her. My friend Kristin Sittner was staying at my house for an agility trial so I asked for her help. The photos turned out great and I even got a movement shot, of which I have been wanting for some time. "Stinky" is my special for this year, co-owned by Ava Jane Pickering Ph.D, and we are particularly excited about the possibilities. The month of April brings on a lot of shows for us,, along with flying to the National. It should be fun.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

A BEST day at a match

This is "Tillie". By Ch. Grandgables Lets Show Off ex UKC Ch. Akadia Miss Congeniality

This is "Smooch". She is Solange Lip Service by Ch. Kymric Xterra ex Mindalyn Spring Fever

Derek and I headed out first thing this morning,, for a fun match. With 6 puppies in tow,, actually 7 and one adult.

The Bell litter (now 10 wks) has not been away from the house and they were little troopers. Somebody urped on the way,, but didn't on the way back. The Jewelee/Price two have been out so they were just game and then there is the crazy Dallas/Grace puppy. We call her "Tillie". She is a riot. She was go, go, go all day. Also a crowd favorite.

We threw Chip in for his first doggy show and also Smooch so that she could have reminder for the upcoming shows.

My friend Debbie, was in charge of the food and did a great job. She made BBQ Chicken sandwiches with chips, a cookie and a soda. Very good. We helped by bringing in a big cooler and a crock pot.

Debbie also stepped in and showed Chip for me. It was so fun to see him out there strutting his stuff. He puts a smile on your face,, that is for sure. He was also a crowd favorite.

Folks took turns passing the puppies around from lap to lap. I saw them getting lots of kisses and snuggles to everyone's faces and the puppies sure ate it up.
The day ended with cleaning up everything and helping the club take down. We helped Debbie with the food things and even got leftovers for later!!

Oh,, and Smooch went BEST IN MATCH!! :)

Friday, March 6, 2009

Puppy Pixures

This is the Red girl,, 9 inches at 9 wks
This is littler red girl,, 8 1/2 inches at 9wks

This is "Boo",, she is also 8 1/2 inches at 9 wks. I call her "Boo" cause she hurt her footy at about 7 wks and limped for a day. So I called her the puppy with the "Boo boo",, it stuck. So now she is "Boo". Ironically,, her sire's nickname is "Boo". I didn't know that!

My friend Debbie,, God bless her,, has come out almost weekly to help with puppy pictures. I am not sure what I did before she came along. I have always done photos weekly of every litter. I really like to watch the babies develop and be able to go back and compare new litters with old litters. It is just so interesting to look at the photos and see what traits you noticed in the photos that remained into adulthood or disappeared. Thanks go to Debbie though for all her time driving to my house and tolerating me chalking and glueing and brushing each baby for their portraits.

I have always believed that doing photos of my dogs let me see them in a new light. To some degree,, I think that is is almost what others may see if I were to present my dog to them. Course photos can be deceptive sometimes,, but in so many ways, it makes me appreciate their virtues and notice the faults that I need to pay more attention to.

I love it when I do a session and I get the photos on the computer and I see nothing that needs fixed on them. Man that feels good.

So,, even though these are posed and not glamour shots,,they give you an idea of what my youngest litter looks like. I like these babies a lot. They are out of Bell,, who I hope to make an ROM (top producer, takes 5 Champions). Bell does have 1 Champion,, and 4 major pointed offspring. Three of those 4 should finish their Championships this year. All need just 3 or 4 points to finish. The 4th major pointed dog,, will probley not finish as his owner is not interested anymore. Such a shame. So I am hoping that one of the puppies in this litter sired by Ch. Starfalls the Enchanter CD will make Champion number 5 for Bell. Lots of things can change of course.. but for now, I kinda like these babies.

Ron and Chrissy Weatherston will get one of these girls when I decide which one.. hee hee

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Saint Russ-O-fur

Many of you know my weakness for cats. Just a quick review of my blog archive will reveal that.

A few years ago,, we had a feral cat that showed up and was living in our goat pen,, with the goat. They would sleep together and hang out,, sun themselves, and actually seem to really enjoy each other. This cat was a torti,, so I was sure it was female and sure enough,, I was hearing little meows from inside the goat pen, marking that fact that kittens were there.

I would hear them meowing and calling for their momma on occasion, but she was there so I paid no attention till one day when the meows got really loud and continued for hours. Derek had gone down to the shop that afternoon and came right back to tell me about the little kitten he had found wandering across the yard. He put her back into the box, but she had followed him out again. I went down and sure enough,, there were 4 kittens in there. All meowing like crazy,, appearing to be about 3 or 4 wks old. Barely old enough to walk. We put a board up on the box to keep them from crawling out but so that momma could get back in. We have a lot of feral cats come and go around here,, mostly from the dairy next door. If I can catch them,, they got get altered but a lot of times they disappear before I can act. I keep food out for them and heating beds during the winter, so I figured this momma had gone to find food.
The night went on,, I looked for momma cat but saw nothing. The next day, I got up and went out to check,, the kittens were ice cold and all pretty non responsive. They laid limp in my hands. I rushed them up to the house,, feeling like a fool for not bringing them up sooner. I was so sad and mad at myself. I put each kitten under warm water to bring their body temperature up and then started to syringe some water to them. They were badly dehydrated. They all started to come to after a while though.

After I got them settled,, I went out to the road to search for momma cat. I found her lifeless body about a quarter mile down the road. She had been hit. OH NO!!
Long story shorter... I bottle fed this litter. Within the first few days,, I lost one of the kitties but the other 3 thrived. As time went on,, I became very attached to them but did end up letting my sister get one. We kept an orange and white male,, called "Russ" for Mr. Curi-Russ, since he was such a curious kitten. Very brave and outgoing. There was a grey kitten that just bitched all the time so she was "Bitch and Mona".. aka Mona. We call her Monicity now. She doesn't complain much anymore.

They have turned into great little cats. Both are full time house cats with our other 4. Russ is a total character. Loves water and takes great pride in helping me raise the puppies. He likes to lay with his back legs stretched out behind him,, froggy style. He goes to the shower to play at the water coming down and he loves the bath tub, which he puts his footy in the water continually till your done. We call him Saint Russ-O-Fur,, since he is such a little hellion. He and Mona are little blessings and I am glad I was able to save them. I just hate having so many ferals show up all the time. I wish I could take them all in, but there does have to be a point where you have to say no. So I keep them fed and watered.
The 6 we have in the house is plenty. They never go outside so cat box duty is frequent, but they are all very much a part of our lives.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Darn it

Darn it...

Sarg is the German shepherd that I rescued from the pound a year and a half ago. He has been an incredible dog. He is very large and looks crazy,, but he is a gentle giant. He came into our lives in a rush and has never skipped a beat.

I can put any of the shelties with him,, even little puppies who love to run between his feet and lick his face. He has never lifted a lip or even gave a menacing look. Such a great dog.

When I saw him at the pound he was a mess. During that time, I was going to the pound twice a week in search of my missing sheltie, Bo. I came upon Sarg,, standing in the back of the run with the most sad look on his face. He was old but intelligent looking,, he gazed at me as if to plea for help. I quick look at his paperwork revealed that he had been dropped off by his former owner. This was on a Tuesday. Thursday came,, my other visit day, and there he was still but this time he had messed in his run and he was making great effort to stay out of it but was having a hard time. He made moans and again looked at me with those eyes. I went to the counter to see if anyone had asked to adopt him. No one had and his last day would be Friday since he was so old. I thought about it all day Friday and even though the last thing I needed was another dog,, and a huge one at that,, I couldn't get him out of my mind.

So Friday afternoon at 5:30,, the pound closes at 6:00,, I showed up to see if he was still there. He was. I never even told my husband about this dog, and went and got him out of the run and brought him to the front office and began to draw up the adoption papers. Sarg yowled and moaned and carried on like shepherds do and I thought "oh no",, "what am I doing?"

I finished up the paperwork and led him to the car and got in and called Derek, my husband, to confess to my weak moment.

I got home and Derek was there and along came my friend Kristin. They both helped me to bath Sarg with the hose since he stunk so bad. Sarg was very co-operative and even let me blow him dry.

Well,, as things would go, the vet estimated his age to be around 9 or 10. Since then, we have really enjoyed Sarg. A great dog,, a clown, devoted, fun boy. He has the cutest prance with his toy around the yard.

Around Christmas Sarg began to have some trouble and about 2 weeks ago, after trying everything, I finally talked with the vet about him and his issues. So it looks like poor Sarg doesn't have much time left. It seems that he has all the workings of stomach cancer (only a stomach biopsy would tell for sure). I would put him through the tests but with his age and condition, it would only make things worse for him.

So,, we will see how things go. If not anything, he has been so good to us and for us,, we are made to feel better that Sarg did not die at that pound. Lord knows why he was taken there to begin with, but he has been a joy to us. Thank you Sarg for your addition to our crew, for being so cool and teaching us so much about the joy of a gentle giant dog.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

I did what I knew to do

"You did what you knew how to do, and when you knew better, you did better." by Maya Angelou. One of my very favorite quotes.

I pretty much live by this saying. It can be applied to so many different avenues. Loving, living, grieving, and acceptance.

Lately I have had to do a lot of reflecting. We spent the weekend going through old photos, selecting ones that we thought my dad would enjoy seeing again, and then once we had them gathered, I prepared a picture book of sayings to go with each photo. I mailed it off and I hope he gets it in time for Valentines.

Amazing that when you look back through the years how life teaches you to do better as you gain that knowledge to do so. I am sure I have much to learn yet, but for now,, I am appreciative of how far I have come.

Grief has always been a doozy for me. I have never dealt well with it. I remember losing my first sheltie and going into a bad depression. I never even left my bedroom for days,, the grief was too much to face others with. Time has taught me much about this. I have gained a remarkable peace with it that I never thought possible. I will never be quite "right" with losing someone that I love, but certainly,, I have learned to do better with it.

The same quote can be applied to dogs. At first,, my sheltie was the best. I could not see her faults. I had the rose colored glasses of love on. Then the second sheltie came,, a Champion that was sent to me to do junior handling with (pictured above, Ch. Kimrems Grin An Bear It). The difference between him and my first was so marked, he taught me to do better. From there as the dogs have come into my life and breeding program throughout the years,, each one has taught me at least one better virtue to strive for. I have made notes to myself as I have gone along as to the traits that each dog has presented to me to learn from. I think that is very important. Each one may have not been the "best" dog that I owned but the virtues and faults they presented taught me thus allowing me to do better next time..

Its all a process,, now isn't it? Life and living. Striving for further knowledge and understanding. I sure hope I never lose the drive to keep the "know better, and do better" attitude.

thats all for now folks. Until next time..

Friday, February 6, 2009

Heidi Ho,, Heidi Bell

Akadia Project Runway.

Been a while since I could get some nice shots of Heidi. She was out all last summer and fall with a litter of puppies then growing her coat back. It is almost completely back in now and she is looking plush.

Heidi is a sweet little dog. Never does a thing wrong and only asks for the occassional handout to satisfy her. I hope to get her into the ring this year, probley in the summer. She needs to be shown in the grass since a leg injury as a puppy makes her show side footy turn out. She moves fine on it and she hand stacks on it fine but on solid ground it shows. Shame,, but we will give it a try anyway to see if she can have a show career. She is a repeat breeding of my CH. Akadia Totally Intoxicating, aka "Stinky".

Heidi just turned 3 years old.

Monday, February 2, 2009

Just Heavenly!!

Congrats to Nanette Johnson, in SOUTH! Carolina, on putting a major on Akadia Just Heavenly. I sent "Kaylani" out to her in December with 7 pts, and she has her up to 11 pts, 1 major now. Great job Nanette!!
"Kaylani" is by Am/Can CH. Hillviews Patriot Games and out of Akadia HellsBells (dam of CH. Akadia Just Priceless)
I am a proud, proud breeder.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

New pictures of the Price/Jewelee puppies

Top is white head girl, then Star, then Tiny and last two are Petey (the boy)

My friend Debbie came out yesterday and helped with pictures. The puppies are sure getting the personalities now and are so cute. My brother and sister-in-law will get the little tiny girl (basket shot) and I am keeping "Star". There is the other girl and boy that look like show prospects. Such a nice litter. They are special to me since this was a breeding that took place with CH. Akadia Just Priceless (Price) before I sent him to his new home with Barbara Black. Price is basically in retirement but may stand at stud a bit with her for a while. So it was one of my last chances to get Price kids before he left. This is only his 3rd litter sired and he has a specialty major winning daughter. Jewelee was a nice choice for him since they cross faulted perfectly and it was my plan to make this sort of mix when I bought Jewelee as a baby. This was very exciting for me to see actually happen,, and they are nice!!

Monday, January 26, 2009

I Can Shine the Brightest!!

This is "Star". She is Akadia I Shine the Brightest, from the CH. Akadia Just Priceless and BIS CH. Iona I Can Shine litter.
Star is my favorite for personality. She is just go, go, go and me, me, me all of the time. Isn't that a cute little play bow she is giving.?

She is 7wks now.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Tagged by Tricia

Tricia said to pick the 5th folder, then the 5th picture.

This is the blue bird house that sits in the tree in my back yard. This photo was taken when we first moved here, the bird house is much faded now from the weather. This little house is the home to mostly little sparrows all year round. They have raised babies after babies in there. Some of fell victim to our Border Collie who sits for hours at the base of this tree hoping that one will fall. He doesn't eat them,, but mouths them enough to kill them. Others have flourished and come back to raise another generation.

This bird house along with this other one pictured with the wagon wheel, are the subjects of a lot of my photo studies. I love to take pictures of them.
I am going to tag: Dixie, Kristin, Jenny, Just Todd, Obay too.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

I'm back, a few updates and picts

I thought I better check in and let you y'all know that I am still kickin.
I have been in Portland Oregon at the Rose City classic dog shows. Very fun time,, great to see the people and incredible dogs. We had some nice placements and Shortcake won the bred by class 3 of the 4 days. She is on the edge of winning, not quite in full coat from her major coat blow, so it won't be long. She showed like her usual self,, baiting all the time till the judge looks.. Darn little girl has this habit of not being patient. She gives me just so much time and if she doesn't get fed by her wishes then she literally will start scanning the crowd for handouts. Little stinker!. She did move out very nicely and actually seemed to have a lot of get-up-and-go.

Unfortunately, Friday my dad took a turn for the worse and was put back into ICU in critical condition. His kidneys were failing and he was having internal bleeding. They ended up transferring him to another hospital and he is doing better now. A colonoscopy revealed not much but they took a biopsy to check out. Keep him in your prayers.

I got real sick in Portland on Sunday night. Monday showing was interesting as I wasn't sure from moment to moment if I might need to leave for a bit. I made it though pretty good.

We got home last night at about 8:30 and I worked today. Been trying to catch up on things this afternoon while still fighting some sickness and a bit of a sore throat.

Jewelee and Price's puppies are 6 wks now and got their first shot today with some worming as well. I really like 4 of the 5 for show puppies potentials. The tiny girl will go to my brother as a spoiled addition to his house.

Bell and Brock puppies have their eyes open now and are about the prettiest 3 wk olds I have had. They are so red and the heads on them are so lean and smooth. I expect this litter will be smashing. I will get new photos soon. Meantime, these are the pictures of the Jewelee/Price babies last week.