Darn it...
Sarg is the German shepherd that I rescued from the pound a year and a half ago. He has been an incredible dog. He is very large and looks crazy,, but he is a gentle giant. He came into our lives in a rush and has never skipped a beat.
I can put any of the shelties with him,, even little puppies who love to run between his feet and lick his face. He has never lifted a lip or even gave a menacing look. Such a great dog.
When I saw him at the pound he was a mess. During that time, I was going to the pound twice a week in search of my missing sheltie, Bo. I came upon Sarg,, standing in the back of the run with the most sad look on his face. He was old but intelligent looking,, he gazed at me as if to plea for help. I quick look at his paperwork revealed that he had been dropped off by his former owner. This was on a Tuesday. Thursday came,, my other visit day, and there he was still but this time he had messed in his run and he was making great effort to stay out of it but was having a hard time. He made moans and again looked at me with those eyes. I went to the counter to see if anyone had asked to adopt him. No one had and his last day would be Friday since he was so old. I thought about it all day Friday and even though the last thing I needed was another dog,, and a huge one at that,, I couldn't get him out of my mind.
So Friday afternoon at 5:30,, the pound closes at 6:00,, I showed up to see if he was still there. He was. I never even told my husband about this dog, and went and got him out of the run and brought him to the front office and began to draw up the adoption papers. Sarg yowled and moaned and carried on like shepherds do and I thought "oh no",, "what am I doing?"
I finished up the paperwork and led him to the car and got in and called Derek, my husband, to confess to my weak moment.
I got home and Derek was there and along came my friend Kristin. They both helped me to bath Sarg with the hose since he stunk so bad. Sarg was very co-operative and even let me blow him dry.
Well,, as things would go, the vet estimated his age to be around 9 or 10. Since then, we have really enjoyed Sarg. A great dog,, a clown, devoted, fun boy. He has the cutest prance with his toy around the yard.
Around Christmas Sarg began to have some trouble and about 2 weeks ago, after trying everything, I finally talked with the vet about him and his issues. So it looks like poor Sarg doesn't have much time left. It seems that he has all the workings of stomach cancer (only a stomach biopsy would tell for sure). I would put him through the tests but with his age and condition, it would only make things worse for him.
So,, we will see how things go. If not anything, he has been so good to us and for us,, we are made to feel better that Sarg did not die at that pound. Lord knows why he was taken there to begin with, but he has been a joy to us. Thank you Sarg for your addition to our crew, for being so cool and teaching us so much about the joy of a gentle giant dog.
sorry last post got messed up
You are a good person ,Shannalee, You have made sarge's last year and half happy ones with love and care. Just think of all these wonderful dogs waiting for you someday at the Bridge. What a joyous reunion. Hve a good day.
You have a heart of gold and you have given Sarge some wonderful years full of love :o)
Yes, you really have a heart of gold and we're glad that Sarg was able to enjoy peace and happiness with you in his old age.
Sarg is one lucky dog to have you to love him through the autumn of his life. The hard part is saying good bye, but the richness of our association with these beautiful doggie spirits is with that pain. He's been a great babysitter for you hasn't he?
I am sure Bo would have approved of your decision to take Sarge home. It sounds like he is a special dog.
Oh, how sad! I have so enjoyed Sarge. He was such a mess when you brought him home... that first bath made such a difference and he was so good with all the grooming that first day. He really is a neat dog and I am glad I got to meet him.
Bravo to you for taking him home and giving him love and kindness. I hope he still has a lot of time left.
I am so very happy that are still people in this world like you. Thank you !!!!
I hope all goes well for Sarge and god bless you for your passion and understanding.
You are indeed a very nice person
I wish all the best for you, your family, cats and dogs.
From Portugal
My heart has definitely taken the "rescue path" these last years, and I'm touched that you reached out to Sarge in his time of need, and given him a wonderful home.
I'm happy that you are working with Suzanne, regarding an agility prospect. Couldn't find a better home!
Wonderful website, and I ADORE pansies, too!!! Keep up your good work!
: > )
Barb Linden
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