Today was one of those days that we dog owners all hate to see come. The day when we as owners have to decide what step to take in an old dogs life. There comes a point when they are so gone that we have to make that decision that we all don't want to make.
Today was that day for us and "Hailey". Akadia Windabrae Helvetica,, born just short of 15 years ago and made her decent into the spirit world today.
Just 2 days ago,, we had her grand babies born here. Akadia HellsBells, (Hailey daughter) gave birth to 5 puppies. 4 girls and 1 boy sired by CH. Starfall The Enchanter CD.
There goes the old adage of "when God closes a door, he also opens a window".
"Hailey" was an incredible little dog. For us,, my husband and I,, she was an important part of our relationship. You see,, when we first started dating,, "Hailey" was just a baby. I would go to my friend's house to take care of her (she was a bottle raised puppy) and Derek would come with me. One time while preparing her food, I was in the kitchen and I left Derek and her in the livingroom. I came back with her food and couldn't find Hailey anywhere. Derek sat on the couch not saying a word. I asked him where she was and he didn't say any thing. I then noticed that his hat was off his head and across the room. All of a sudden the hat moved. She was so tiny that his hat completely covered her. We had a good laugh about that one.
"Hailey" always had a remarkable temperament. Very showy and ready for what ever you dealt her. She was an upbeat little spirit right till the end.
There are many wonderful stories and memories associated with her. Derek and I have spent the day recalling them, shedding some tears and feeling so very enriched by that little dog.
In my mind,, I see glasses held high,, smiles on faces and a special toast made to the little brown dog that contributed so much for us. " A toast to "Hailey",, so special, so endearing, and forever in our hearts". Godspeed little one.
We're so sorry to hear about the passing of Hailey. What a beautiful girl, no, lady, she was. Our thoughts and prayers are with you. I'm sure she'll smile at you from Heaven.
Godspeed little one!
Shannalee, you know how much I hurt for you when you hurt. Hailey was one lucky dog to have you for a mom. My tears and prayers tonight are for you and your loss!!!
I can see that Hailey will be missed greatly. I am 15 years old, too, and each day with my human is a blessing, for we, too, have seen much together. Thanks for visiting my bloggie. I don't know what ISP is, but will consult my human, who has more compyooter litrate connections...
licks & slobbers
Hi Shannalee so sorry to hear your and Dereks loss of your beautiful Hailey. It is so hard to make that call I do hope huging and kissing the little ones and the ones around you helps just a little. Sending hugs your way
I'm so sorry to hear about the passing of Hailey. I can see that she was a beautiful Lady. She will wait for you at the end of the rainbow.
I understand how sad and devistating the loss of a beautiful soul can be. I know that must have been an agonizing decision.
I'm glad you have the puppies to distract and cheer you up!
I'll keep you in my thoughts and prayers.
Just found your blog. And am so sorry that you had to make that decision. My Bonnie was just shy of 15 too when she left me. It's so hard. Hoping the new babies keep you busy. She is surely smiling at you with them!
I was sorry to read about your loss of Bailey. No matter how old they get to be, it's just never long enough.
I'm so sorry to hear of your loss! It's never easy to say good bye to a beloved pet. Hailey is forever imprinted in your soul and you both have been enriched by her life and love. She has gone on to a better place and you will see her again one day. God bless you both and the wonderful memories you shared.
I am so sorry for your loss. My husband and I lost a near and dear one to us in 2008. I can relate to how the dogs that have special meaning at points in our own lives (dating, marriage, etc) cause us the most reflection and are the hardest to let go. Lift up her grand-puppies and think about the next wonderful 15 years ahead!
Thank you to everyone for the wonderful comments. It really means a lot to me to know the support of others is there that have gone through what we have. It is never easy, but your comments sure warm our hearts. xoxo
Just read about your loss of Hailey, I'm so sorry...it's never easy to let them go, but the memories help, and we know she had a wonderful life of memories she was helped to create by you being her people. Kisses for your pack and our thoughts are with you.
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