My friend Debbie came out yesterday and helped with pictures. The puppies are sure getting the personalities now and are so cute. My brother and sister-in-law will get the little tiny girl (basket shot) and I am keeping "Star". There is the other girl and boy that look like show prospects. Such a nice litter. They are special to me since this was a breeding that took place with CH. Akadia Just Priceless (Price) before I sent him to his new home with Barbara Black. Price is basically in retirement but may stand at stud a bit with her for a while. So it was one of my last chances to get Price kids before he left. This is only his 3rd litter sired and he has a specialty major winning daughter. Jewelee was a nice choice for him since they cross faulted perfectly and it was my plan to make this sort of mix when I bought Jewelee as a baby. This was very exciting for me to see actually happen,, and they are nice!!