Wednesday, January 28, 2009

New pictures of the Price/Jewelee puppies

Top is white head girl, then Star, then Tiny and last two are Petey (the boy)

My friend Debbie came out yesterday and helped with pictures. The puppies are sure getting the personalities now and are so cute. My brother and sister-in-law will get the little tiny girl (basket shot) and I am keeping "Star". There is the other girl and boy that look like show prospects. Such a nice litter. They are special to me since this was a breeding that took place with CH. Akadia Just Priceless (Price) before I sent him to his new home with Barbara Black. Price is basically in retirement but may stand at stud a bit with her for a while. So it was one of my last chances to get Price kids before he left. This is only his 3rd litter sired and he has a specialty major winning daughter. Jewelee was a nice choice for him since they cross faulted perfectly and it was my plan to make this sort of mix when I bought Jewelee as a baby. This was very exciting for me to see actually happen,, and they are nice!!

Monday, January 26, 2009

I Can Shine the Brightest!!

This is "Star". She is Akadia I Shine the Brightest, from the CH. Akadia Just Priceless and BIS CH. Iona I Can Shine litter.
Star is my favorite for personality. She is just go, go, go and me, me, me all of the time. Isn't that a cute little play bow she is giving.?

She is 7wks now.

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Tagged by Tricia

Tricia said to pick the 5th folder, then the 5th picture.

This is the blue bird house that sits in the tree in my back yard. This photo was taken when we first moved here, the bird house is much faded now from the weather. This little house is the home to mostly little sparrows all year round. They have raised babies after babies in there. Some of fell victim to our Border Collie who sits for hours at the base of this tree hoping that one will fall. He doesn't eat them,, but mouths them enough to kill them. Others have flourished and come back to raise another generation.

This bird house along with this other one pictured with the wagon wheel, are the subjects of a lot of my photo studies. I love to take pictures of them.
I am going to tag: Dixie, Kristin, Jenny, Just Todd, Obay too.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

I'm back, a few updates and picts

I thought I better check in and let you y'all know that I am still kickin.
I have been in Portland Oregon at the Rose City classic dog shows. Very fun time,, great to see the people and incredible dogs. We had some nice placements and Shortcake won the bred by class 3 of the 4 days. She is on the edge of winning, not quite in full coat from her major coat blow, so it won't be long. She showed like her usual self,, baiting all the time till the judge looks.. Darn little girl has this habit of not being patient. She gives me just so much time and if she doesn't get fed by her wishes then she literally will start scanning the crowd for handouts. Little stinker!. She did move out very nicely and actually seemed to have a lot of get-up-and-go.

Unfortunately, Friday my dad took a turn for the worse and was put back into ICU in critical condition. His kidneys were failing and he was having internal bleeding. They ended up transferring him to another hospital and he is doing better now. A colonoscopy revealed not much but they took a biopsy to check out. Keep him in your prayers.

I got real sick in Portland on Sunday night. Monday showing was interesting as I wasn't sure from moment to moment if I might need to leave for a bit. I made it though pretty good.

We got home last night at about 8:30 and I worked today. Been trying to catch up on things this afternoon while still fighting some sickness and a bit of a sore throat.

Jewelee and Price's puppies are 6 wks now and got their first shot today with some worming as well. I really like 4 of the 5 for show puppies potentials. The tiny girl will go to my brother as a spoiled addition to his house.

Bell and Brock puppies have their eyes open now and are about the prettiest 3 wk olds I have had. They are so red and the heads on them are so lean and smooth. I expect this litter will be smashing. I will get new photos soon. Meantime, these are the pictures of the Jewelee/Price babies last week.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Hows about this for cute?!

This is one of the puppies from my CH. Akadia Just Priceless and BIS CH. Iona I Can Shine litter. This is the little girl that I call brown leg girl.

I had to share this cute little kissy face picture with y'all. Man,, hard to resist.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Its gotta get better

oh,, I guess I am having one of those days.
I talked to dad this morning. He just isn't doing any better. He sounds so down and not himself. Is it weird for me to say I miss my dad? I do.. I know he is still alive and trying to get better but I miss him. I miss the weekly calls, the sharing of photos, being able to just talk about this or that and knowing that he was there.
Since he has been in the hospital, he hasn't had a computer and he is very weak so talking on the phone is hard. He has a hard time holding the phone to talk.
I guess I am just having one of those days of reflection where I am realizing what dad means to me. I came across one of his emails in my inbox the other day when I was cleaning out my email. I couldn't bring myself to erase it. One of dad's great joys was sending jokes and his photos he had taken. I miss that so much
I just need a good cry. I will be better soon.. I pray that dad will be too.
thanks for listening to my woes,, friends.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Update on Dad

Talked to Dad last night. It was a hard conversation since Dad was having a bad night. He is still having very hard days. I wish there was more I could do for him. Having him in Kentucky and myself in Idaho is difficult. I know he is getting bored in the hospital (about a month now) and perhaps a bit depressed. I sure love my dad and wish I could be there with him.
Picture above is him on Christmas day with Betty, his love.

Please still keep him in your prayers. There is a hard road ahead for Dad,, I think he can do it.

thanks friends.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Pictures again,, can't help it

I have been picture happy lately. This happens every winter when I don't have shows and it gives me an excuse to groom the dogs and make them beautiful.

So here are new photos of Lacewood The Star Trooper, aka "Chip". He is by BISS CH. Sea Haven Chasing Moonbeams ROM CC and out of BISS CH. Lacewood Bi Starlight.
Chip is 12 wks now.
Also pictured is Akadia Little Gothic Girl, aka "Silly" and Akadia Totally Intrepid, aka "Deakon". They are littermates from the BISS CH. Aynsworth Silver Moonlight ROM and CH. Akadia Totally Intoxicating litter. They are 11 months old.
Silly is the black one and Deakon is the blue.

Thought I would share.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Bell puppies

I thought it might be nice to share the pictures of the Bell puppies born on Jan 1st.

These babies are sired by CH. Starfall The Enchanter CD who is owned by Tricia Harris of Lacewood Shelties. "Brock" is her token brown dog and he is a very nice one at that. An old basic Barwood pedigree, his lightness of skull is what drew me to him for this breeding. He has remarkable lack of depth to his skull with smooth, very flat cheeks that transition into his backskull making for the perfect wedge. His topskull has the "corners" that I look for and that Bell needs as well. He also possess the beautiful three corner eye that Bell really needs. He is a nice moving dog, with proportionate bone and sufficient coat. Beautiful color too. Top all this off with a wonderful temperament and I thought the match for the breeding was a very nice one. He is also an older dog (9yrs)with no health issues, and clear health screening tests.

So.... the resulting litter. They have to be some of the prettiest new borns I have had. I am very pleased with them. Oh,, and I got such red little babies too. I am loving that. They were pretty large puppies when born and are the best little eaters. They eat and eat till they cry cause their bellies are about to burst!

So here they are,, 2 days old.

Friday, January 2, 2009

A day of loss and another day of babies

Today was one of those days that we dog owners all hate to see come. The day when we as owners have to decide what step to take in an old dogs life. There comes a point when they are so gone that we have to make that decision that we all don't want to make.
Today was that day for us and "Hailey". Akadia Windabrae Helvetica,, born just short of 15 years ago and made her decent into the spirit world today.

Just 2 days ago,, we had her grand babies born here. Akadia HellsBells, (Hailey daughter) gave birth to 5 puppies. 4 girls and 1 boy sired by CH. Starfall The Enchanter CD.

There goes the old adage of "when God closes a door, he also opens a window".

"Hailey" was an incredible little dog. For us,, my husband and I,, she was an important part of our relationship. You see,, when we first started dating,, "Hailey" was just a baby. I would go to my friend's house to take care of her (she was a bottle raised puppy) and Derek would come with me. One time while preparing her food, I was in the kitchen and I left Derek and her in the livingroom. I came back with her food and couldn't find Hailey anywhere. Derek sat on the couch not saying a word. I asked him where she was and he didn't say any thing. I then noticed that his hat was off his head and across the room. All of a sudden the hat moved. She was so tiny that his hat completely covered her. We had a good laugh about that one.

"Hailey" always had a remarkable temperament. Very showy and ready for what ever you dealt her. She was an upbeat little spirit right till the end.
There are many wonderful stories and memories associated with her. Derek and I have spent the day recalling them, shedding some tears and feeling so very enriched by that little dog.

In my mind,, I see glasses held high,, smiles on faces and a special toast made to the little brown dog that contributed so much for us. " A toast to "Hailey",, so special, so endearing, and forever in our hearts". Godspeed little one.