Well,, the power went out today. Was out for over an hour so I was bored and worked on some bird houses that I started back last November. While digging out paints and such I came across an old journal of mine. Dated back to 92 or 93 with its posts. Talked of my meeting my husband, the death of my grandmother and some important folks that had come into my life at that point. So weird to go back and read what I was thinking then. Man, it sure seemed foolish what I wrote. So blatant too.
One write up was about living life and how busy I had become. It spoke of how at the time I felt as though my life was just happening around me with me just existing in its chaos. How true that can become. I find myself more in the midst of that then not. Tasks become what drives me and molds me to do the next task till the day is done and I have done things out of necessity rather then wanting. Ahh....... to really "live" life. I feel as though I just don't have time. Work, work and more work and then exhaustion seem to be the carousel I am on.
Sounds like complaining,, doesn't it? Well,, do know that I love what I do. I love the dogs and what that represents for me. Perhaps I am really "living" afterall,, doing what I love and not taking the time to appreciate it.? Maybe the ponderings sparked by power failure are best left unthought?!
On another note. A few updates.
I have posted in the past about "Farrah" the feral kitty and her kittens. Well,, Farrah has been captured. She is pregnant again and now living with my sister. After she has her litter she will be spayed and return here to the farm of animals. Her current litter will be raised as tame kitties and spayed and neutered before being places. Good news!. I miss her, but it is best. I do look forward to having her back to do her hunting in the field and to accompany me on my photo sessions with the dogs. She is great for helping to get ears up.
We got back a week ago from our yearly camping trip to the beautiful Sawtooth mountains of Stanley Idaho. That place speaks to my soul and I always leave feeling a sort of peace that I can't accomplish anywhere else. It was a wonderful visit for Derek and I,, and the first with our new trailer. I hope you enjoy the pictures.